Head to Bed
advertising brief
The brief for this project was to create an ad campaign to promote and encourage people to get the right amount of sleep.

The first stage was a collaborative project in which each group had to make a video advert to be used on TV.

The next stage was individual, and we were asked to create the poster campaign for the brief. I took the point of view that sleep is an all-natural source of energy. It seems funny when you start researching these things, that people attempt to replace sleep with a number of different concoctions from drugs, to coffee, to chocolate bars, when, when it comes down to it, they need to just make time to get the right amount of z's in.

So I set about re-packaging some of these remedies to create a set of parodies, being sure to stay in-keeping with the atmospheres of the original product adverts.

Head to Bed

Head to Bed

Head to Bed campaign.
