Leah Callahan's profile

Ball State Field Trips Activities

Created and developed interactive educational activities for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students in Indiana. Through the Digital Corps, collaboratively worked on a team with five other designers, as well as communicating with developers.

Worked with existing brand guidelines, style guides, and head designers to make sure the style of the activities worked cohesively with the entirety of the app.

Used skills of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript/jQuery when creating the activities for iPad and desktop format.

Along with the activities, contributed to the creation of the app in other areas; including creating illustrations, content layout, and creating content and design for lower thirds.

Mobile App Awards: 
2016 W3 Awards Gold Winner: "Family '&' Kids"
2016 W3 Awards Silver Winner: "Education"
Ball State Field Trips Activities

Ball State Field Trips Activities

Helped work on the project "Ball State University Field Trips" with the Digital Corps. Worked on a team with five other designers creating and de Read More


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