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ADT - TYCO Merger Rebranding

This project will forever be one of my favorites, because it ends with seeing something I'd designed, actually visible in a Super Bowl Ad. This is where the two slashes " // " I added for impact in a banner design, became their widely used "focus bars" and a permanent part of their branding book.
I had worked with ADT on their exhibit graphics previous to their merge with TYCO... and the above image was typical for their "look" at the time. The next two graphics were done right during their merger... first with ADT logos, and then the switch to TYCO.
Same switch-over with their banner graphics as well...
Missed the BIG DEAL?? The two // "focus bars" around that tag line were at first controversial with their in-house marketing team, but in the end became Tyco's "focus bars" prominently used in every TV and print ad, and down the sides of their trucks, etc. I was excited to get it added to their branding book... but you wouldn't possibly believe how nuts I went when I saw my // "focus bars" in Tyco's Super Bowl ad announcing their merger with ADT. I was literally screaming "THOSE ARE MY FOCUS BARS!!" Don't judge me.
ADT - TYCO Merger Rebranding

ADT - TYCO Merger Rebranding

When the smallest thing... // becomes the biggest DEAL!
