Halloween Kids Masks
Printable Template

Here are masks that will camouflage your child. 
Bat, Crow, Dragon, Werewolf, Witch. 5 different designs are available.

- C r o w  M a s k -

- W e r e W o l f  M a s k -

- W i t c h  M a s k -

- B A T  M a s k -

- D r a g o n  M a s k -

H o w  t o .

0. Print the template on thick paper.
1. Cut the mask following the guided line and cut out the eye area with a knife.
2. Glue the hatched flap area and attach the flap to the above area. Make sure flap goes to the back.
3. Cut out wings, nose, hat, etc. and glue them on the mask to decorate.
4. Punch holes on cross-marked area and attach rubber band to fit your child’s face.
Now you are done!


by JoyFlap

JoyFlap’s ‘Free for Kids' is DIY contents that can be printed out to be played with kids at home.
We provide them for free to all the users who love JoyFlap.
Go print one of the 'Free for Kids' contents to have a great time with your children.
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Halloween Kids Masks

Halloween Kids Masks
