Package for the documentary
555 Chocolatão is a documentary directed by Marcos Andrade Neves. Its tells us about how a small slum located in the center of Porto Alegre - Brazil was moved to a housing scheme in the outskirts of the city. The documentary tells us about the many different points of view of the residents of Chocolatão. Their different opinions about moving and how it will affect them both in a positive and often negative way. 
Marcos asked me for help to develop a package that would give the right first impression about the slums story, one that made an introduction to the documentary itself.
The most common income for the people who live in Chocolatão is paper collection. They go around the city with carts searching for discarded paper. At the end of day they take all the paper they managed to collect to the recycling station, where they sell it by the Kg. It is a very common activity in Brazil where there are millions of people who make a living from it everyday. For this reason the package is printed in recycled paper. 
It carries images of the original slum and on the back an image of the new housing scheme where they were moved to.
The 555 Chocolatão documentay. 
Directed by Marcos Andrade Neves.
Crew: Arthur Lang, Arlei Damo, Paola Morais, Talita Eger.
555 Chocolatão


555 Chocolatão

Package for the documentary 555 Chocolatão.
