There was this idea that suddenly came into mind one day and thought it would be nice to put it into artwork. I believe the inspiration comes from various Facebook posts of photographers using flowers as theme, while the theme "Afro" must have been attributed by re-post of one of my favourite anime of all time, "Cowboy Bebop" (the anime is sci-fi with jazz/blues twist to it).

I have no particular reason to choose the skull or the word afterlife, but I find the title Afro Afterlife (aside from having a nice ring to it) brings a concept of someone gone but not forgotten. Coincidentally, after the work was done, I realised it some how can be related to those recent social issues related to #blacklivesmatter.
Initial layout and layering in Adobe Illustrator. There are only about 8 floral elements that I created.
However, each of them was coloured individually (lights and shadow) and arranged to look different.
The individual elements, initial illustration without fill colours.
The outline colour for each is mean to make it easier when putting them into layout.
And here is the happy skull. 
To my surprise, the skull is in fact easier to draw than the flowers.
Thanks for viewing!
Afro Afterlife

Afro Afterlife

A piece that must have came out quite spontaneously.
