Jelly Workout

The project investigates the notion of customization from a production point of view. Modern consumerist society has developed a very refined marketing strategy, which includes both mass production and extreme individualism. It is a phenomenon called mass customization: we all want to be unique, but at the same time we all want people to know what we wear/use/operate.

The aim of the project is to challenge this idea throughout the construction of customizing machines 
producing series of unique pieces.

Customizing Machine: designing and building a machine producing series of unique pieces.

Design Construction:
Inspired by the strength of the human body, I examined workout machines at the gym and used training accessories to develop my own customize workout machine. The machine is made out of wood, plastic and the accessories.

Design Concept:
Users go through the different routines of the machine that lead them to producing a customized healthy protein jelly at the end of the workout session. Each user’s jelly will be different based on the user’s strength. Users also have the ability to customize their jelly by selecting which flavors of gelatin and protein powder they want. 

Video displayed at Design Days Dubai 2016.

Jelly Workout

Jelly Workout

Customizing Machine: designing and building a machine producing series of unique pieces.


Creative Fields