Viktor Kopeček's profileTrabagr Creative's profile


When suddenly emerged in the middle of jungle, the mighty waterfall, don't idle, pull pink tights on and act!


The MIMOSTYL (literally “out-of-style”) is completely, yet not so much completely out, as it first seems to be. Why? Why not! A simple thought premise proves that most frequent question in the world is yet not so out, more likely it is still "in". It's not easy, but it can’t be any easier. MIMO STYL is great, captivating and completely totally out! Why? Why not!:

- It is not subject to time, because it’s OUT.
- It is not bad, because there is no worse!
- It is beautiful because it is intergalactic!
- It is not for everyone, it is for no one!
- It proves that if everything was as stable as boredom, there would not be MIMO STYL!
- It's positively tuned towards pork.
- It does not beep if you use dirty words.
- It is not looking for problems where there are none ... it just cannot accept that everything is as shitty as it looks.
- Expresses opinion, why?
- Provides a secure method for obtaining a statue of an elephant:
1. fetch a bigga piece of marble,
2. remove everything that does not look like an elephant.

- It knows what others don’t! How does a beaver? Haňaňaňa!
- It’s not pleased with average nothing.
- It is so sexy to get your grand-mamas wet!
- It knows - like master, like smiley!
- It can advise – do not stick gummy bears on your notebook ... not good!
- It's a rebel, but respects mum - mama said: „Don't talk to fridge!“
- It is not ashamed to show the bellybutton!
- It can make fun of itself…

... and is convinced that everyone has a superstar within!


When suddenly emerged in the middle of the jungle, the mighty waterfall, don't idle, pull pink tights on and act!
