Restaurant Project Design
Comunication Design
This is a project I did in college, in my 1st year. We needed to build a conceptual idea for a restaurant, and create all the corporative image, logo and also a menu.
The House of Shrooms, it's an imaginary restaurant in Central Park, NY.

We wanted to satisfy all the people that are starting a healthy life, becoming vegan, vegetarians, fruitarians and ovo lacto vegetarians. Also, this restaurant is supposedly self sustained. Getting all the vegetables, fruits, milk and its derivates, and the eggs from barns, owned by the owners of the restaurant. 

People would have a common dinner room, where the kitchen would also be located, and around it,  we would have private dinner rooms.
In each tree we would have some kind of "swings" with pillows inside, hanged on the tree branches, falling close to the grass, where people could enter, take a nap, read, or just simply relax.

All the rooms are linked like a net. 
Triple Menu - Outside / Inside
Pages of concept.
Visit Card w/ real mushrooms 


Project for "Design de Comunicação" course
