They are our friends. We love to work with friends and people we appreciate and respect. We always knew the brand was on fire because they know exactly what they are doing and their shoes are simply awesome. Still their identity was not reflecting their trip with men’s shoes.

In the first place, their naming is fantastic. Terrible Enfant. Probably inspired by Jean Cocteau’s novel “Les Terribles Enfants” in which a couple of twins are raised together excluded from society, growing-up and discovering adolescence in a very particular way.

The challenge was to land that line in a strong brand identity that punched hard, subtly seducing, so that it does not abandon the elegance flags which they embrace to dialog with the past and present of fashion.

Consequently, we decided to work with typographies that, in a first moment, invite to a lecture of antiquity, altered just enough to gain a more light and poetic dimension.

The logotype. Stealth. We knew exactly where the logotype was going to live. Between velvet boxes with golden prints inside fine leather soles. In wooden soles buckled up to wild leather. The result is a sublime experience. More than a stamp, a shield identifying a community that secretly greets themselves admitting membership on a club that looks down on tennis shoes.
Terrible Enfant

Terrible Enfant
