mareaneus's profile


cute gone wrong( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

pecados capitales( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

oops!( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - photo reference )

line face( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

unfinished business( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

low budget( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

hungry chicken( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - sketch reference )

ping pong battle( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

zombie monkey( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

stupidity drives me crazy( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

hellboy( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

wasted bunny( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

taking care of things( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - sketch reference )

levitation monkey( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - sketch reference )

little league - 2nd place my ass( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

monkey boy( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

self portrait( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - sketch reference )

monkey business( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - sketch reference )

1970's( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

the girl on the river( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

metal chicken( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

dead blues old timer( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - sketch reference )

cria cuervos... y te sacaran los ojos (old spanish proverb)( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

march( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

the witch is dead ( party at dorothy's )( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

strive for yourself( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

six guns( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

pinocchio - plan b - ( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

royal warrior( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

punk rock song - happier than shit( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

saint dead metal( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

bones( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

face( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

jumping girl( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

old car( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - photo reference )

vespa( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - photo reference )

been the boss sucks( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - photo reference )

wonder woman( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - no sketch )

ford car( vectors - mouse drawing using illustrator's pen tool - photo reference )


