Sil Bulterman's profile - TCNN - TCNN

TCNN wanted to create a showcase of ecological and economical engineering techniques. This resulted in a website that guides you through buildings utilizing these techniques.I worked on 30 infographics for the project, on which I functioned as Lighting and Compositing T.D. and worked on the Lighting, Rendering, Compositing, Motion Graphics and Editing.
First we had to establish the look. Because the team was assembled just for this project, the lead 3D and I set up a custom pipeline just for this project.I also created some tools, using Python and MEL scripting, to assist in the lighting, rendering and compositing process, to help the 3D artists set up rendersettings and all the correct renderpasses, including some custom created passes, and making sure everything was in linear colorspace.
Using a procedural nodebased compositing system, and a hybrid nodetree allowed us to push through 30 animations within the timeframe, with just a small team of 4 3D artists and 2 compositors.

Check out the project on - TCNN
Published: - TCNN

30 Infographics of ecological and economical engineering techniques.
