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Contradictions & Synergy


this was a project where we needed to work with a contradiction in our concept. I made a concept for Harley Davidson where a house man wants to escape from his everyday life and dreams about driving a Harley Davidson. With this concept I want to promote the wild and adventurous character of the brand. The fact that the house man is driving a shopping cart or a lawn mower in stead of a motorcycle is the contradiction in this concept.  
This is a variation on the contradiction assignment. This is also a concept that I made for Harley Davidson. I want to promote the strong character of these bikes by showing a Harley Davidson that pulls a car. The fact that the motorcycle pulls the car instead of the car pulling the motorcycle is the contradiction in this concept.
Synergy : Ikea x Pickwick - WWF x Lotus
For this assignment we needed to think about a concept that makes use of a synergy. For the first variation on this assignment i came up with a concept for a collaboration between Ikea and Pickwick. With every mattress that you buy at Ikea you get a packet of pickwick Good night tea. You can see this in the art direction because of the mattress hanging on the teabag. 
The second variation on this assignment was a synergy between WWF and Lotus bakeries. With every Zebra cookie that you buy there would go a part of the profit to the protection of the endangered mountain zebra. This becomes clear in the art direction because you can reed the text 'Denk aan de bergzebra, steun WWF' or in english 'Think about the mountain zebra, support WWF' on the package of the cookie. 
Contradictions & Synergy

Contradictions & Synergy

Concepts based on contradiction & synergy.
