The project, sponsored by the Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba (FDHC | FHRC), was developed to publish a public database that identifies violent repressors, who consistently commit violations of fundamental human rights throughout the island Of Cuba, the project is supported by the cooperation of relevant organizations of the Cuban civil society as well as of other countries. 

It has been developed in partnership with Repression ID, a project promoted by a group of distinguished Cuban-American lawyers. Also collaborate The Cuba Archive and the Institute of Cuban Historical Memory Against Totalitarianism.


 Stop political violence and thus help facilitate coexistence in the future Cuba.  


Identify, investigate and collect information on military (MININT / MINFAR) or paramilitary (Rapid Action Brigades) that exert violent political repression against citizens. 

To educate in the legal, nontransferable and eternal responsibility, that is assumed personally when fulfilling criminal orders of superior instances. 

Put an end to the obedience demanded by the privileged, demagogic and immoral who today order to repress with violence the economic and political initiatives of citizens.

Contribute to the peaceful change of the dictatorship so that Cubans can reestablish coexistence and promote general prosperity with freedom, democracy and human rights.

For its elaboration the corporate image of was developed and based on the selected palette of colors we programmed the website web page and social networks.

We built an indoor public database and an offsite database that holds the most sensitive information. All is protected on different servers and its encrypted for extra security. 
| Represores Cubanos |

| Represores Cubanos |

The project was developed for the Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba. They have created an encrypted database that will be available to securit Read More
