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Orangutan Outreach and Rainforest Action Network (RAN)

This painting was designed for the 2014 global protest organised against PepsiCo by pressure groups Orangutan Outreach and Rainforest Action Network (RAN). Also used for petition run against PepsiCo by Y12 students at Gesamtschule Essen-Nord, Germany. 

Every day bulldozers drive deeper and deeper in the last stands of rainforest in Indonesia and Malaysia. Why? To meet the ever growing demand for Conflict Palm Oil which is used in potato chips, crackers and snack foods made by companies including PepsiCo. This painting parallels the war that companies like PepsiCo have declared on pristine environments and endangered species such as the Orang-utan, with what we now view as totally unacceptable - the unprecedented slaughter of the Great War. 

Will we look back in another hundred years and view the actions of companies like PepsiCo as barbarity, as we do the Great War? Will there be any rainforest left by then? Will we even be here; ourselves extinct for a packet of potato chips? 
'Pepsi Armageddon'
Orangutan Outreach and Rainforest Action Network (RAN)

Orangutan Outreach and Rainforest Action Network (RAN)

This painting was designed for the 2014 global protest organised against PepsiCo by pressure groups Orangutan Outreach and Rainforest Action Netw Read More
