Jessica Estacia Forbes's profile

Work Done At Internship

The window display attracts artist  and customers, we display artwok as well as products to advertise for the artist who are under contract with us. I wanted to create a new display and change items that were displayed with others. I also added the mannequin to showcase that we do have an artist who is a fashion designer that is in the gallery. Overall, I loved have this appealed to the new chagnges in the gallery!
I redressed the mannequinn in apparel that was cohsive and represented the designer as a whole! 
I reorder the wardorbe into different sections such as children wear, mens, and women. I added the mirror to highlight the clothing as well as showcase the beauty ofthe outfitd while the customers look at them.
These items are apart of the artwork as well as products being showcased in the gallery for other artist. I redesign how they looked and swapped in different products to create a much fresher appeal.
I rearragend the jewelery, how they were displayed, and added this handmade leather purse I found in storage to give an overall cohesive feel. 
I reodered as well as rearrange how the products looked and some items were swapped out to go in the display!
I added these artworks to the wall because they meant a lot to the gallery owner, since her mother was the artist. I felt like people need to see the work that artist are capable of and for this to serve as a reminder anything is possible if we just believe in oursleves to create!
Work Done At Internship

Work Done At Internship

Any work that I have done while at my Internship ie. Redressing Mannequins, design how the gallery would look, reorder artwork, etc.
