Caroline Doyé's profile

Boxhorn #24 – Leicht entflammbar

BOXHORN - the magazin from FH Aachen, communications design.
Every semester a group of communications design students design the magazin from the faculty on they own accountability.
Designing, Concept and Editing:
Caroline Doyé, Nicole Körfer, Philipp Nunnemann und Sarah Schröder
# 24 »LEICHT ENTFLAMMBAR« (easily inflammable)
Topics like »time management«, »excessive demands«, »psychological« as well as »physical stress«, even to the extent of »burn-out« syndroms, are currently discussed in the media everywhere. Number 24 of the »Boxhorn« deals with these topics by concentrating on the creative process. A woman affected by burn-out describes her experiences with this disease. Moreover, different models of time-management are presented. In an interview the founders of the Boxhorn-magazine talk about what it was like to realize the pilot edition and by doing so they provide an insight into their career. Beyond that there are free photography, illustrations and texts in the current issue. The reader can expect fascinating contributions from the faculty as well from national and international designers and artists.

For detailed pictures and to buy the magazin online:
Boxhorn #24 – Leicht entflammbar


Boxhorn #24 – Leicht entflammbar

BOXHORN - the magazin from FH Aachen, communications design. Every semester a group of communications design students design the magazin from the Read More
