3D Dinosaurs
With the exception of the first image, the rest are some of the 33 3D dinosaur images I created for the Discovery Channel's "My First Dinosaur Encyclopedia."

A special tip of my hat to Raul Lunia (DinoRaul) for his wonderful Poser dinosaur models. I commissioned him to make some of the dinosaurs for the 33 3D dinosaur images and others were already available on line.
Canyon Attack - T-Rex traps herd of Parasaurolophus in southwestern canyon. (Self Promotion)
Diabloceratops in Snow – Snowfall  is a group of alpha planes placed at different angles in the 3D scene thus giving depth and appropriate size variation of the snowflakes. Tracks in the snow were created first in Hexagon and then molded and textured in ZBrush.
Diabloceratops in Snow (detail)
Quetzalcoatlus Scavenging
Liopleurodon Attacking
Brachiosaurus Group in Forest
Dimorphodon Seaside
Saurolophus at Lake
Saurolophus at Lake (detail)
Deinonychus Attack
Suchomimus Fishing
Polacanthus in Swamp
Shonisaurus Teeming Sea
Apatosaurus Plant Eaters
Einiosaurus Attacks
Velociraptors Flee Volcano (Spread)
Velociraptors Flee (detail)
Allosaurus In Jungle
3D Dinosaurs

3D Dinosaurs

Some of the 33 3D dinosaur illustrations for the Discovery Channel's "My First Dinosaur Encyclopedia."
