Cup of the Day
Integrated Campaign
Client: Keurig

Idea: Coffee drinkers not only drink coffee for its taste, but because it helps them to start their day. Coffee means motivation.

Objective: Create a strong relation between Keurig and coffee drinker by finding what coffee means for them.

Media: print ads, microsite, social media and digital wall

Collaboration: Brooks Hess

Process: Handmade typography

Work published:
 Print Ads

 Each poster is directed to a different area in our life: career, love and friends.

Introduces the campaign and invites to share what coffee brews for each person. All the post will be gather through a digital wall.

Social  Media Outlets
Guerilla - Subway station wall at the main cities across the USA

The Mural page from the microsite will be expanded to a digital wall where user can interact with it and see other's posts. (live streaming)
Cup of the Day

Cup of the Day

Client: Keurig Idea: Coffee drinkers not only drink coffee for its taste, but because it helps them to start their day. Coffee means motivation. Read More
