In ancient times there was an ancient clan of 6 warriors. The Accuracy , The Strategy, The Meditation, The Flight, The  Swift and The Mercy.  Together they are known by many names but to most they are known as “The Saints” Each  possesses a different strength  that warrants an equal weakness, but together they harness the power of a million suns that out powers any average opposition. They each reside on the highest peaks of the highest mountains in the world until they are called upon to protect the innocent and vanquish the evils that fester in the souls of hollow men. But there is an evil that has emerged that will test the strength of our  heroes. An evil that has never been witnessed before by man or any other entity. Minions of a darker power; a power that can ravage the core of our very existence and all that is everything.  This new brand of evil is known as “The Nefarious”. “The Nefarious” is host to The Hidden, The Deception, The Distraction, The Broken, The Sloth  and The  Cruelty each the weakness of their righteous counterparts. So “The Saints” band together for the battle that will end the war of good verse evil; a war that has been fought since the beginning of time. Will the good prevail or will evil conquer all that we know and finally have its reign of tyranny? Only time will tell.-The Giver
The Saints

The Saints
