This is a photograph of a mural I painted at my first job when I was 17. It was made to reflect a concept I had for a future company logo, incorporating elements of their existing image (the "globe" symbol) within it.
This is a mock Coca-Cola ad that I created in the Spring of 2012. It follows some classic elements of the Coca-Cola brand, including a similar color scheme and overall theme (placing coke as going hand-in-hand with summertime and fun!).
This is a concept that I had for my favorite muscle car of all time, the Ford Mustang of course! I tried to incorporate all of the different logos/symbols associated with the car in a pleasantly presentable way.
This is a CD design concept that I came up with for a Document Design class I took at Robert Morris University in the Summer of 2011. I was given a CD with a few songs on it that were said to have a common element that linked them all together. The design I was to come up with would reflect what aspects they shared and tie them together into an "album" of sorts. "Dreams" and "love" were the words I thought of and I figured a bee and a flower was a perfect way to represent this notion. 
These design templates are meant to go with the ones for the project mentioned above. The creation of "motion" and incorporation of lines are meant to draw the eye of the viewer in and engage them, making the artwork more appealing and interesting. 

These logos were done for a project I completed in the aforementioned Document Design class I took at Robert Morris University in the Summer of 2011. The task I was given involved taking a well known sports team and moving them to another city. I was to keep some elements of their previous identity intact and give them a new image that tied them to their new home as well. The team I chose was the Florida Gators, and I chose to move them to Texas to become the "Texas Vipers." I kept the original team colors, a reptilian mascot, script logo font, and even created a new drink to replace Gatorade (which I called "Envenomate"). 
This is a magazine ad concept that I came up with for Duquesne Brewing Co.'s new light beer, Duquesne LT. It was created with the positioning being that the product is the "new" face of Pittsburgh (notice the old, hazy steel city in the background and the colorful one the beer rips through?). "Cut Through The Daily Haze" and pick yourself up a Duquesne LT pack today!
A simple illustration that I created to pay homage to my favorite animal growing up. Title: "America's Got Bite!"
This illustration pays tribute to my favorite band of all time. Can you guess who they are?
This is a crossover illustration that pays homage to one of my favorite sci-fi movies and sci-fi games. Hopefully, people will at least recognize the monsters from the movie. 
Graphic Design

Graphic Design

A collection of visual works that were created by myself for either personal reasons or college projects. Some were made for advertising purposes Read More
