Laura Portillo's profile

User Interface

User Interface
El portal de la constucción en Venezuela.
El portal recopila la información de la industria de la construcción que se encuentra disgregada llevándola en forma directa a los usuarios, de esta forma se llena un vacío existente en este sector. Muchas empresas poseen páginas web donde exhiben las características de sus productos, pero éstas son poco visitadas, a través de existirán enlaces que permitirán acceder a las páginas web de éstas empresas.
The portal collects information from the construction industry that is broken up taking it directly to users, thus fills a gap in this sector. Many companies have websites where they display the characteristics of their products, but these are rarely visited through links exist allow access to the websites of these companies.
El panel de usuario, se le llama alcontrolador de contenido que tendrá acceso este mismo para lograr un uso óptimode los servicios que presta al público. Esta cuenta con:

The user panel is called alcontrolador content that will access the same for a óptimode use services provided to the public. This has:

A login intuitively designed, it can choose what type of user Seaser within the community, likewise, is identified and signals of maneragráfica with allusive logos and information of interest to complete the registration demanera effective. (See img01 and Img02)
Menu right, this will always estadíaen during the panel. Help the user to find all of ahacer easiest and navigation within the site more enjoyable, this includes: Favorites of some sections of the páginatales like Events, Provider Standards, among others (See Img04). Similarly, there is a dedicated button for LosComentarios, to monitor the comments already made by the user or by losrealizados friends / colleagues. (See Img03 and Img08)

Introductory Panel, to make everything easier. Integrating introductory Quese 3 panels responsible for informing the user: Their Latest favorites, published ultimasnoticias (filtered segúnsu Each level of interest) and Comments (Revise previous section for more information) (See Img03)

Panel data editing users (staff members and suppliers), in an easy and intuitive user is invited to update or populate elformulario (See Img06 and Img07)
Img01: Opciones de Registro de usuario
Img02: Tablero Inicio de Sesión
Img03: Panel Introductorio y Menú
Img05: Panel Favoritos (Eventos)
Img06: Panel editor de datos del proveedor
Img07: Panel editor de datos personal del usuario
Img08: Panel Comentarios Usuarios que sigo (Mismo diseño se aplica para Mis comentarios)
Img09: Vistas del menú superior del usuario durante la navegación dentro de infoconstucció
User Interface

User Interface

User Interface of
