Fantasy Illustration
Small sampling of paintings created with a  fantasy - science fiction theme.
More to come!
"Unicorn" - Painting created for a children's poster. This was produced- and hopefully was displayed in many children's rooms across the country!  Oil & Acrylic on board.
"Reaper Blader"- Idea inspired by my son, who at the time was intensely into blading. The Reaper Blader would slice through metal like butter!  And yes, if you look closely you can see the WTC in the background.  Airbrush, acrylics and oil on board.
"The Moon Queen"  Image based on "Galadriel" from the "Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Airbrush, acrylics and oil on board.
"Horror Hotel" - Cover for scary children's book.   Airbrush, acrylic and oils on board.
"John Carter on Mars" - Painting based on Edgar Rice Burroughs science fiction series.
Acrylic and oils on board.


Paintings created with a fantasy, science fiction or horror themes. These were all created using traditional painting methods.
