Can you name all 13 games?
This was the first iteration. This typeface was created as part of my graphic design course as a personal project. During the week we started learning Illustrator we were given an afternoon to create our own typeface from a list of categories. I chose the gaming category and this was what I got finished in a few hours. I ended up changing the U and V letters as they weren't really working, and I flipped the S and changed it up a little as I couldn't find a Z character.
Game Font
This took me months as it was so hard to find characters that fitted the letters, hence the cop out with the a few spells/items. Most of this was done using the pencil and smooth tools in Illustrator, with an odd pen tool here and there. I really struggle doing hands and feet, so please don't zoom into those, and am so happy so many of my favourite games made it into this - Baldur's Gate, Quest for Glory, Mortal Kombat and Commander Keen.
Gaming Typeface

Gaming Typeface

A personal project to create my own typeface using my favourite games. It's not the most readable/usable font, but it was a lot of fun to make an Read More
