Thematic Rational: While no supporter of Donald Trump's ideals, his politics are quite interesting to watch. He insists that a giant wall between Mexico and the United States of America must be built to stem the re-entry of all 13 000 000+ imigrants he's going to deport and save aerica from looming economic collaps. Whether this will work or not is debatable, in theory, maybe, but in practice nearly half of mexican immigrants FLY in to the country so it may be just a cosmetic solution. Either way all this talk about building walls to keep thing out strongly reminded me of the fictional timeline of the "Attack on Titan" earth, as the world has fallen victem to a Titan apocolypse and the only survivers built massive walls to keep their civilzation safe from the threat.

Reflection: I really enjoyed working with Adobe Audition. I loved hearing everything come together and I loved the creative freedom you have with the tools. The software is really well layed out and you cna see everything and manipulate everything as you see fit. There is still so much more I want to learn about the program and it's applications and I really liked not only this project but also the audio story as it really helped me understand a lot about the music and movie industry.
Remix - Walls

Remix - Walls

I made a remix of "China All the Time" and "Attack on Titan Theme - Guitar Fingerstyle Cover" I know it's not the best but I couldn't find the ra Read More
