Alex Tautu's profile

Everything in Blue - My Art Portfolio

Here's a trope in art that never gets old - The Idealized Woman. She's the virgin/mother/princess/bride. Every little thing she does is magic, everything she touches becomes Life. She is the star that never dies, She is the sea that never ends... and She's not real. But that's okay.
She reminds a bit of that mythic Ireland that Butler Yeats speaks of. The kind of place that is too magical to be real, but it still inspired by the real Ireland. In the same way, the Idealized Woman of countless poems is too perfect to be real, but she is inspired by the women of our life. The good ones.
The best kind of stories are the ones that inspire a same of wonder for the unknown through a few words or images. It's not about having a short attention span. It's the fact that the most beautiful stories know how not to overstay their welcome.
One of the genres that I truly miss is the 'Boy embarks on an adventure' done right in the vein of Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island or The Neverending Story. I truly wish write and animate NOTHING but these kind of stories 'till I die. Or just go on my own adventure, same thing.
Everything in Blue - My Art Portfolio

Everything in Blue - My Art Portfolio

Hi my name is Alex and this is Everything in Blue. Let's take a trip.
