Looking back, I would've enjoyed trying this message on other adidas footwear outside of just athletic apparel. For instance, showing a person crossing a beach barefoot in painted sandals or a group of kids hanging out in the grass with their feet kicked up on their bags.
Edgewood College: Mock Campaign
As copywriter for the Edgewood college campaign, I sought to inspire and challenge those already working to set their sights even higher by coming back to school.  The copy has a more personal tone to show prospective students that Edgewood understands the challenges they face going back to school (family, work, money), and can helps them overcome these obstacles.

My favorite print ad of the campaign, by turning the copy into the visual, readers would be more apt to take note and stop to see what we have to say. Though the actual ad has minimal writing, the reader could pull out the "Invest In Yourself" print insert from the pocket for additional information.
This ad would come with a bookmark print inset for potential students to take with them and possibly use as an actual bookmark. In retrospect, the ad could've been improved by incorporating the text more seamlessly into the object, such as by displaying it as the title for several stacked books.


Mock campaigns from my Creative Messaging classes.
