"..ulema, cühela ve ehli dubara; ehli namus, ehli işret ve erbab-ı livata rivayet ve ilan, hikâyet ve beyan etmişlerdir ki kun-ı kâinattan 7079 yıl, isa mesih'ten 1681 ve hicretten dahi 1092 yıl sonra, adına konstantiniye derler tarrakası meşhur bir kent vardı." 

“..gnostics, agnostics, and masters of duplicity, keepers of chastity, experts of inebriation, and connoisseurs of sodomy all have rumoured and de clared, narrated and revealed that, 7079 years after the origin of the universe, 1681 years after jesus the saviour and 1092 years after the hegira there was a city by the name of kostantiniye, notorious for its racket.” 
Puslu Kıtalar Atlası, İhsan Oktay Anar (The Atlas of Misty Continents, novel)

