Proyect created for the D&AD New Blood contest, brief by Monotype where the goal was to create a new way of comunicating movie posters through type basing the poster in one film director.
As a film director this proyect was based in Richard Linklater, one of the things that he portrays in his work is the transition through time, this is why the main concept is time.
The three movies we chose are "Bernie", "Boyhood" and "Before Midnight" (which is a trilogy made throught 20 years the other two movies are "Before Sunrise" and "Before Sunset"). Using the movie titles and the years of this movies we created a system through type and layers to reflect the concept of time.
As an out put one single poster is created with the names of the three movies however the poster of each movie can also be represented with the same system with the colour pallet that the director transmit in his shots.
"Whatever story you want to tell, tell it at the right size"- Richard Linklater


Typographical movie posters
