The Space Invader
The Space Invader is a synthesizer project developed at Hochschule Darmstadt by Daniel Dünchem and myself. A spaceship-like interface controls oscillators, amplitude and frequency modulation and triggers a diversity of other events, such as turning on a radio, switching though the channels or going to warp speed. While controlling the synthesizer, the user flies through a stereoscopic 3D star field with integrated Hubble telescope images. The interface was physically built with metal plates, a wooden surface and metal feathers for the joystick and the throttle feedback. Potentiometers at the joystick and the throttle and a diversity of buttons and switches are all connected to an Arduino Board.
Reading the Arudino input and the complete sound synthesis is implemented with c++, using the openFramework library.
The stereoscopic star field was created with XVR by VR Media. 
OpenFrameworks and XVR are communicating via TCP Protocol.
The Space Invader