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Peaceful Perceptions Anti-Stress Coloring Book

This coloring book was designed around the thesis topic, design constraints. There is always some form of contraint on design projects, but it is how we as problem solvers perceive those constraints. Do we let the constraint fill us with anxiety and stress, or do we learn how to work with those constraints and let them guide our design process into a better solution? 
Everyone perceives things differently whether it is more literal left-brain thinking or creative right-brain thinking. Music is very influential and can help get past the constraints in life. The focus of this coloring book is lyrics to songs that have helped individuals get past a tough time in their life. The song can bring different emotions to each viewer and paired with the illustrations they can be perceived differently. Some pages took on the literal words in the songs such as “Drink A Beer” while others have a deeper meaning that connects personally. “You Should Be Here” is about a life accomplishment that someone is absent for, so the illustrations for that page are wild roses which mean pleasure and pain. This was designed to help relieve the stress brought on in our daily lives while giving us a chance to be creative and move past the constraints in life.
Peaceful Perceptions Anti-Stress Coloring Book

Peaceful Perceptions Anti-Stress Coloring Book

Thesis Project


Creative Fields