Gilles Vandenoostende's profile

Virtual Gallery: Work In Progress

iteration #01
At this point, I had digitized some of my paintings and I learned several lessons from building the first iteration, mainly regarding lighting and rendering inside of Unity. 
Following these learnings, I decided to scrap my earlier attempts and start from scratch. 
Lighting is still all over the place in these screens, but I have gotten the hang of Unity's Global Illumination by this point, and so these scenes are all lit by just a single infinite light simulating the sun. I've also learned about Light- & Reflection Probes, as well as colour-grading. 
Now I have a good framework and architecture set up, it's time to start finalising the set-dressing, adding detail as I go.
VR really makes digital art shine in ways that were impossible before, as you can make your paintings as big as you like. Screenshots really don't do VR justice.
iteration #00
Learning the ropes of exporting things from Cinema4D to Unity 5, and crafting 3D spaces that can be navigated in Virtual Reality. At this point I hadn't started digitizing my paintings yet, but I did have some 3D sculptures & placeholders.
Virtual Gallery: Work In Progress

Virtual Gallery: Work In Progress

As a little side-project to teach myself Virtual Reality and Unity3D, I decided to construct my own little gallery-space to hang my digital art i Read More
