Saving Habits
D&AD New Blood Brief

The brief was to create a campaign to encourage people to start saving earlier for their retirement. Aimed at ages 18 - 25 Aviva wanted to dispel the myth that savers are boring and unadventurous.

SPEND ME | SAVE ME: The idea that if you spend a pound now it is only worth a pound, but if you save it then in the future it could be worth more brought to mind the "Eat Me", "Drink Me" scene in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. It is a children's book and everyone is familiar with the characters from the story.

I designed a print campaign with posters, magazine and newspaper advertisements, promotional and direct mail items which would link in with a digital campaign. I wanted to communicate to the target audience that if they wish to have a comfortable lifestyle when they retire they need to start saving now, as money saved now will be worth more on retirement than money saved just before (due to inflation, 40 years from now the pound will not buy you as much as it does today).
Saving Habits

Saving Habits

Campaign for Aviva for D&AD 2012 Student Awards
