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Kayaking, Camping, and Cooking in the Bahamas

10. Eating Under Palm Trees. There were many instances where we stopped on a random beach to eat lunch. All of us would gather under a palm tree (or the nearest thing that cast an ounce of shade) to eat our trail mix, crackers, and bars. It may not seem like much, but it was always a fun setting in which we could all relax from paddling and enjoy each other's company.
9. The Lou with the View. Not many people will understand this one. You would have to know my stepdad and his hilarious "Antarctica- Lou with the View" story. However, our story is special because of what the toilet bucket represents. It portrays hilarious conversations about "dumping duties", a two-in-one shower and toilet, and the fact that it was the most creative backcountry bathroom I've ever seen. Yet, these photos will always remind me of how much this group could laugh!
8. Solitary Moments at Sunrise. I had this habit of waking up before my tents mates during most of the trip. My body got on a regular sleep schedule in which I woke up at 6:08 AM almost every morning. I would quietly crawl out of the tent and spend time sitting on the beach or taking photos. One morning in particular, I sat on the edge of the softly lapping waves and simply just thought. I thought about life, love, where I am now, and where I want to go. The patterned waves made me realize that every day will come and disappear, but it's the small, special moments that mean the most.
7. Receiving Fresh LOBSTER! As we kayaked up to a beach on Big Farmer's Cay and were beginning to pull our things out the boat, a small fishing boat with three native Bahamians followed us to the shore. I can't explain how happy the entire group was to see fresh lobster and conch. We found out that these free-divers (meaning they don't use any snorkeling gear) can dive down to 90 feet and hold it for minutes in order to get a catch. Incredible! No pasta for dinner tonight!
6. Getting Your First Coal with a Bow Drill. One of our classes was how to use a bow drill taught by James one evening at the beginning of the trip. However, many of the students tried again and again... and again to get a coal. It is definitely more difficult than you would think. I couldn't tell you how excited those of watching got when Jared was able to create a coal.
5. Creating Deliciously Unique Concoctions with Tent Mates. I'm not sure if it was the fact that we were nearing the end of the trip and longing for good food, or we had lots of extra food left and decided to get creative. My second set of tent mates and I really pushed the limits with out food rations. We made stuffed-crust garlic chicken pizza, brown-sugar cinnamon rolls with strawberry syrup, cornbread stuffed chili casserole, and blueberry pancakes. Eventually, our fuel was getting low, so we built various fire pits to cook our dinners. Our absolute favorite meal, in which we were the most proud, were the breadsticks- garlic cheese, cheesy salami, and brown sugar!
4. Serenity Shelter Conversations. I can't tell you how wonderful it was to set up the serenity shelter with my tent mates after a long day of paddling. It's refreshing to know that you could now relax, enjoy the beach or snorkeling, and stay out of the bugs. It was like coming home each evening. Many wonderful laughs were made, life stories were shared, and friendships were strengthened in the serenity shelter. One evening, nine people mingled into our shelter, and we reminisced and laughed about the cruise ship escapade for the longest time.
3. Seeing a Hammerhead Shark. As I had finished getting my camera sorted under the water, I popped my head up to hear my professor telling me to get back in the kayak. "Why?" I asked. He told me a Hammerhead had just been spotted. Knowing me, I dismissed getting back in the kayak and pointed my camera in the other direction as I shouted, "Where?!" I missed him on camera, but trust me I saw him as he whooshed past us. Including the shark (and the intense, overprotective Barracuda), that particular snorkel was my absolute favorite!
2. Impromptu Astrology Classes. We each had to sign up to teach two classes during the entire course; however, no one signed up to teach an astrology class. It turned our that it wasn't the worst thing. Some of my favorite nights is when we would unexpectedly gather under the starts and Paul, our main instructor, would enlighten us with facts about stars, galaxies, constellations, and comets. Did you know we can actually see the Andromeda Galaxy? It is the furtherest point a human eye can see.
1. The "Lion Tamer" Succeeds! I have to say one of the most incredible (and hysterical) moments of the kayaking expedition was seeing Kelly successfully come out of the water with a speared Lionfish. Earlier in the trip, Kelly gave a class on invasive Lionfish, and she had hoped to have one as an example. But, the snorkeling had been disappointing, and she had yet to see even one Lionfish, which was extremely unusual. The day she finally saw not one but three Lionfish was also the day we saw the Hammerhead shark. Afraid spearing a fish would attract the shark, Kelly was told she couldn't kill one. Disappointed once again, Kelly made peace with the fact that she wouldn't get a Lionfish on this trip... Well, at the end of the dive, we managed to keep everyone safe and Kelly was able to get her fish. It didn't even take ten seconds before we saw the spear jet out of the water with a squirming fish on top! Lots of cheers and excitement came from the four of us on the snorkel. However... this is nothing compared to the excitement the girls showed back at camp. Watch the video below to see how thrilled our group really was! (Please excuse the language. We were just really happy Kelly finally got her fish!)
Kayaking, Camping, and Cooking in the Bahamas

Kayaking, Camping, and Cooking in the Bahamas

