Sang Yu's profile

Royal Ontario Museum Poster

  In my Art Culture class, I was required to create a poster to encourage the public  to visit the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM). At my initial client meeting the Art Director explained that there were many remarkably preserved objects in the Rom galleries and it was my challenge special ponit that only objects on display at ROM can be used for the poster.
1. Prisma Colour pencils 
2. Canson Mi-Teintes paper
3. Tracing paper
4. Penils
5. Sketchbook
6. Reference
Font Design
Final Work
The final stage is that transfer the best thumbnail on the Canson paper. There is a more effective way to do that use a pencil to draw the outline on tracing paper then transfer to Canson paper.
  My poster has varies bright and warm colours. Yellow and red are symbol colours of China. The composition of the Chinese architecture and dragon create space and contrast that make the poster look more interesting. Moreover, it took me approximately 18 hours to finish this project. I learnt a lot of Chinese history and aesthetics from this project.
Royal Ontario Museum Poster

Royal Ontario Museum Poster

My ROM Poster project
