R B's profile

Before, During, and After

This is a short story based off of a real-life one for a "Before, During, and After" project. The first panel, the "Before" shows a lost and starving kitten, alone and cold in the rain. He is attempting to pick at some garbage he found. In the "During," the kitten continues to be searching for food when a helping hand appears. This hand represents a beacon of hope in the heart of this poor little kitten. He is uncertain, but his grey world slowly becomes enveloped in bright rays of yellow and white. The "After" phase shows the kitten now. He is plump, content, and happy. He has a full bowl of food, a place to sleep, and time to play. The kitten can live through the rest of his life knowing he is safe and in the care of the helping hand. No need to worry anymore, little friend.
Before, During, and After

Before, During, and After

A three-part series telling the story of me finding a starving, lost kitten in the rain.
