A life event repeats itself, in a pattern that often goes unnoticed, until we have learnt what we had to, from it.
(courtesy: Jay Shetty)

Ever wonder, why it’s called the ‘circle of life’ and not the rectangle or even the triangle of life?
Well, I believe, life cannot be linear. It would have no meaning, we would have no learnings. 
And so, what better way to sum up a journey of 4 ferocious years at JNAFAU.

A logo that represents the good, the bad and the in-between. 
~ One art, but many interpretations ~
Envelope in the front and letter from behind, cautiously designed for a frugal mind.
The poetic poster that adorned the corridors of the college campus.


One art, many interpretations. My work done as a BFA student for the final year exhibition at my college, JNAFAU.
