Rosso di Mare
The company META is a group that deals with cultural events in the city of Alghero.
I was asked to design various posters for the event Rosso di Mare,
held during the month of February which collects several conferences and exhibits about the coral,
which calls many tourists that are searching the beautiful jewelries made from this precious material.
My idea was to find a common graphic line that would allows to identify the many different shows
held during this month as belonging to the same big event.
To do this I decided to design a unique square “cover” diversified just from a different palette of colors,
below which I could insert the specifics informations of the program of that specific exhibit/show/conference/etc.
The final result that I was searching was that the observer from the street could immediately recognize day by day
that specific style diversified just from the colors, and associate it with the main event Rosso di Mare.
Rosso di Mare

Rosso di Mare

Poster Event: "rosso di mare", Alghero, Italy.
