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Tomson' soup | 湯先生

“湯先生Tomson’ Soup”是一个立足于上海地区,为快节奏都市人群提供便捷透明的营养汤饮 / 时尚汤饮 为服务的健康膳食品牌。 


"Thomson' Soup" is a food brand based in Shanghai , offers convenient and transparent nutrition soup / chinese dessert as a healthy diet brand.

Soup's containers "bowl" - this a carrier of living and art . we derive inspiration, get the concept , and created a series of patterns to express the connotation of the brand "Thomson ' Soup"

Tomson' soup | 湯先生

Tomson' soup | 湯先生

Tomson' soup Branding design | 汤先生餐饮品牌形象设计
