Beijing Highlander Digital Technology is a leading brand in the field of marine intelligence and ocean information technology industry. Highlander is a major supplier to China Ocean Engineering industry, Government Shipping Industry. They thought the old design of their bridge control was not creative in appearance and not convenient in operating. They would like a design with more sense of technology and quality, higher operating efficiency and maneuverability.
I listed the key points for the design according to the client’s requests and figured out the appropriate solution.
Clear Operating Board
Considering its many features, IBS (Integrated Bridge Systems) requires a highly designed operating area to avoid any confusion which may be caused by a rough design.
Different operating areas are clearly recognizable by using different colors and materials, to clarify and emphasize the function and operation. Inclined cutting is adapted into the front of the main operating board to create a sense of speed.
The design reduces the workload of the operator by making the operation and observation easier.
Modularized design
Because of the variety layout of different warship, one single design can not meet all the requirements.
Make it fully flexible by using a standard modularized design, so it can be implemented in different layouts.
Unique color scheme
The monotone colored existing product looks dull and depressing.
Blue and white, colors related to marine, are artfully adapted into the design, to distinguish the different operating areas and make the product look more vivid.
Bridge Control

Bridge Control

The design is inspired by the curve of a shark fin. The side line appears sharp and powerful, and symbolizes the motion of forge ahead.
