a t's profile

Aydan Tran's Portfolio

Hi, I'm Aydan Tran. I go to Tech High and I'm a freshman. My strengths is science, procrastinating, and English. I use swim for the Piranhas. My weaknesses are making portfolios, writing biographies, and making printable 3D objects.
This is a button with the first two letters of the day i made it on. I made this on Friday so it has the letters “FR” on it. Making it was pretty straightforward and easy. The only part i took a little extra time with was the first two letters of the week. I was deciding between making it a hole or just inserting the shapes. Otherwise, it was a very enjoyable and simple set of directions. For this button and the rest of my objects, they are for Mr. Weaver.
This is a trick die with the first letter of my name engraved into it. The most difficult part about this was implementing the hole behind the 5 pips. I also had a bit of trouble with the align tool originally . It was enjoyable to group all the holes to the die piece at the end to see how it turned out.
This is a panda stamp. I made the base to begin with, and then continued with the panda part. The panda took around 20 minutes to make, and it was relatively easy to make. It took a little extra time to make the tongue and mouth though. It took awhile messing around with the Extrusion Tool to get used to it however. If someone were to try to make this, i would recomend not using circles as ears because it took a bit to elevate them. I also made it printable..
This is a zipper with my email address printed on the top. The zipper itself was very easy to make because of the duplicate tool, but the email was difficult to put on. I didn't know that there was a text tool for typing out words, so i had to put in every letter manually. The end result was the most satifying thing about this project. I also made sure it was grounded and printable in tinker cad.
This is a spork with my first name printed on the top of it and my last name printed on the bottom. This time, i actually used the text tool to write my name, so it was much easier to deal with. The difficult part about it, however, was putting my last name on the bottom of my spork. I ended up elevating it and rotating my last name to be readable from the bottom. If someone wanted to attempt this, just remember to use the text tool...
This is a numbered die with my first initial substituted for the number 6. I've already made a similar model earlier in the tutorial, so it was easier this time. Putting my inital on the bottom was the hardest part about this project because i had to lift it up to put the "A" on. If you were trying to make this, the align tool is very useful.
This is a ring with my initials imprinted on the top. I added a diamond to the top of it because my friend told me it would look cool. The most difficult part about this was sizing the diamond on the top. It was a very easy project. If you wanted to atempt this, remember that you can get a diamond from the symbols section.
This is a ruler with my first name printed on the back. The only difficult part about this one was getting the markings sized correctly. The easiest part this time was putting my name on the back of it. I used the text tool to write my name out. If you wanted to make this project, you would use the duplicate tool A LOT.
This is a 20ml measuring cup with "Happy Mother's Day" printed on the side. I made the cup to begin with, and then put the wording on at the end. It was difficult to wrap the text because the wording would sink into the interior. If you were trying to wrap the wording, try doing each word individually and change the degree. I rotated it upside down so it could be printable and changed the cup to a lighter shade. I also made the "20ml" a hole so it would print easier.
This is a protractor with my email and name printed on the bottom of it. This was the hardest project for me to make by far. The most difficult part for me was making the markings for all the degrees. But, after that, it was pretty easy to finish up. If you were trying to make this project, i'd reccomend reading the directions VERY closely. Otherwise, you'll get lost and mess everything up.
Aydan Tran's Portfolio

Aydan Tran's Portfolio

Tech High Project


Creative Fields