For our Health, we must know all nutritional information on products we buy. 
The more we understand, the more we know what we should put in our bodies.
.عشان صحتنا لازم نعرف نفهم المعلومات الغذائية اللي علي اي منتج بنشتري
.كل ما كنا فهمين أكتر كل ماهنقدر نقرر ايه بضبط الفيدة اللي تدخل جسمنا
Shaklak Aklak is the latest webisode series from Peace Cake Production. My part in the project was creating the logo and the branding for the project and video type treatment.

For more on the project and the webisodes,
Shaklak Aklak -


Shaklak Aklak -

Logo and branding project for Aklak Shaklak, an online webisode series on nutritional facts.
