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Personal Pattern

Personal Pattern
personal pattern generator
Good news! We are in the new Victionary Book: Black and White!!!
This piece of work's user manual says the following: “This project attempts to give an answer to how it is possible to graphically represent someone’s designer attitude. With this tool you get a picture of yourself, that is your actual designer self-portrait through an emerging pattern. How can you create your personal pattern? Each one of the 9 cubes is a design category, a style, a rule, a way of thinking. On each side of each cube you can find different abstract shapes, forms which refer to some particular design method characteristic of that category. Choose one image on the cube. By choosing one side each you will get 9 different images to form a bigger square which shows your personal pattern. Browse confidently, any way you like, either very considerately or intuitively or randomly, but every time what you get will be a personal pattern.”
On this side of the flyer we're explaining the 9 basic ideas behind the images.


In the design process, structure illustrates the tendency to improvise by using lines. Thereby it creates a logical structure and its versions from which you can choose one element.

You can choose from organic or geometric image pairs the kind of system you use in design, in other words you can choose regular or irregular shapes.

It is an experiment to show how the shape of an object creates a very different impression and has a different meaning if it is a mesh structure than the same shape of the object with saturated 2 dimensional appearance.

Here the main branches of fonts are represented through the letter ‘R’. The type you select reflects your typographic taste, of course in a symbolic way.

It visualizes the difference between the spacial and planar design models through the usage of basic geometrical shapes (such as triangle, square, pentagon)

You can chose from the 6 phases of the transtiotion from dark to light. the one you prefer to use when you are making a design.

The complexity of the forms shows the way you are you expressing yourself during the design process, whether you tend to use simple or more complicated forms

Static squares turned into dynamical lines. Each phase of the process represents the varied nature of visual thinking.

Symbolizes the method of the image composition through symmetrical or asymmetricaal composition and their possible variations.

 On this side of the flyer you can see the user manual (on the photo it's in Hungarian).
Personal Pattern