Chase Bratton's profile

Starbucks | Android Mobile Order & Pay

Role: Lead product designer
Co-lead lead designers: Caroline Maxwell, Jeff Peters
Closely following the release of the Starbucks Android Material Design update, our digital products team launched a brand new feature: Mobile Order & Pay [beta]. The release coincides with Starbucks iOS, allowing all Starbucks customers in the US access to the feature.
Launch, Learn, Iterate
Starbucks Mobile Order & Pay [MOP] launched as an iOS only beta in Pacific Northwest Starbucks stores last year. We gathered data and customer insights to understand the program’s effects. The learnings from this testing period allowed for iOS MOP to make additional enhancements in tandem with initial Android MOP development. The ordering process was solidified into an experience that would scale efficiently for a national rollout.
Default to Content
The Starbucks Android MOP implementation defaults to product content throughout the ordering experience. A customer can add an item to their order at every level of the menu hierarchy.
Find A Drink, Make It Your Own
A customer can tap into any product to add customizations, easily calibrating their favorite drink to their exact specifications.
Effortlessly Reorder What You Love
After a Starbucks customer places their first order, a “Recents” tab will appear in the menu, displaying previously ordered items. With 1-tap a customer can add any previously ordered items to their current order, including customizations. This means heavily customized items do not have to be reconfigured from scratch upon reorder.
Real-Time Product Availability
Starbucks store menus vary based on region, so we display real time store inventory in the menu. To see another store’s menu, simply choose a different Starbucks store anywhere the order flow by tapping on the store name at the bottom of the screen.
Your Order At A Glance
The Order Builder screen provides a detailed description of all order details. A customer can easily edit items in their order, change their pickup store, or get directions.
Starbucks | Android Mobile Order & Pay

Starbucks | Android Mobile Order & Pay

Creating A Personal Ordering Experience For Starbucks Android Customers
