The purpose of this animated video was to give an overview of the business opportunity at National Agents Alliance.  In addition to providing the voiceover, I crafted the script and assisted with visual development.

I helped develop the concept for this company profile video that was to demonstrate the company culture.  I also provided the script and voiceover.
This is an example of a fun themed video used to convey an inspirational or educational message to insurance agents within the company.  Script was co-written by a colleague, while I finalized the messaging.  
I was honored to write the script for Brian Tracy when he endorsed one of our new leadership development programs! (Brian Tracy actually complimented me on the script!)
In this video, I tried my best to simplify the education requirements that agents had to meet in order to be promoted within the company.
This is an educational video where I explain how to use a mobile-based resource that my team and I developed for our insurance agents.  Script written and delivered by me. 
(There are a couple dozen videos in this collection.)  "Coach" is a character that a colleague and I developed to promote the online education portal called NAA University in 2009.  The Coach character that I played ushered in a new form of teaching for our company that was eventually labeled "edu-tainment", or educational entertainment.  This playlist showcases many of the videos we developed from 2009 to 2018, but unfortunately does not include many of the live stage presentations that included this character.
Audio & Video

Project Made For

Audio & Video

Samples of video projects I've been involved with.


Creative Fields