Have had a slight obsession with the AMC AMX during the last week. This is a 1968 model. Judging by the license plate she has a 390 and the Go package. The drawing is based on an impression I got when I looked at the cars that were new in 1968. And the background is based on an impression I got when I looked at the city of Kenosha on google maps. This is the city where these cars were built. The drawing can also be seen as some sort of a character study for a later project. I have two stories planned where the girl and the AMX has two of the lead roles. It will most likely be 50 pages long and contain lots of driving. But that will have to wait for a while. There are loads of things that I both want and have to do before I can start working on it.

Thank you for watching!
1968 AMC AMX

1968 AMC AMX

Have had a slight obsession with the AMC AMX for a while. Thank you for watching!
