This is the second brief for my Computers in Art and Design class where I am designing a poster with the theme of 'Sewing Belfast'. My first step is to think of ideas and research posters to give me inspiration for my own.
Firstly, I made a mind map to get my ideas flowing. This allowed me to think of locations I could take inspiration from such as the Titanic Museum which is situated beside Belfast Met in TItanic Quarter. This is where I plan to take photographs to include on my poster. The photographs I have included will help me work out how my poster is going to look.
I have included photographs from my Pinterest board. You can find it here.
I went onto Pinterest to find poster styles I would consider using for my own poster.I decided I liked the look of a photograph with bold text layered on top.
I like how large the text is on this poster, I will most likely use large text as it instantly catches the viewers eye and tells them what the event is. The image is juxtaposed with the text on poster which is an interesting concept to have. To create this piece the designer will have used a camera, computer and a graphics tablet. The designer will have used the process of image manipulation to change things such as the brightness, contrast and saturation on the photograph to make the image clearer. This poster is fit for purpose, the bold, black text immediately pulls the viewer in and if they are interested makes them read on.
Once again this poster has large text in a cursive style which catches your attention. The image includes cartoons which may mean the cover attracts a wider audience. The designer will have used a camera to take the image of the woman, a computer to manipulate the image and a graphics tablet. The designer will have used 2D software to add the drawings on the poster, this gives them a realistic look. This poster is fit for purpose as all the components of the image work together.
I like the text on this poster and I plan to use something similar on my own, to do this I plan to use a drawing tablet so it creates a handwritten affect. The artist will have used a camera, computer and graphics tablet to design this piece. The designer has used 2D software to add the writing at the top of the poster, I have said before I am going to use this style on my own poster as it feels more personal. This poster is simple and stunning but I feel it doesnt work with what they are trying to put across, they advertise clutches and accessories which I feel doesnt work with the image they have chosen to use.
I plan to use a anchor as the background of my poster due to Belfast's association with ship building. I am going to use cursive handwriting that looks like sewing thread, as it is a sewing competition. I am going use typewriter style text as it fits with the theme of the Titanic and the posters released when it set sail like in the poster below.
I started by fading the background using the exposure tool, increasing the offset and increasing the gamma correction. This helped add light and dark where necessary.
Next I added the green coloured filter using the colour filter tool. I chose to use green due to Northern Ireland being well-known for it's countryside.
I used a drawing tablet to make my title as I felt this was the best way to achieve the result I wanted. I used cursive, joint up writing to look like sewing thread. This was to show the viewer exactly what the event is and if they are interested make them read the rest of the poster.
I finished by adding the date, time and where the event was taking place; I used typewriter style text as I said I would to fit with the theme of the Titanic.
Here is my critique of my work: Why does the chosen work represent the best outcome of the options I could have developed? This is the best outcome as I feel it looks professional, it tells you everything about event and I have used different forms of digital techniques to produce it.
How does my work compare with the professional work I researched? My work is quite similar to the work I researched, especially the Milk poster as they are both simple with a bold title and a small amount of text. I felt this was the best way to catch the viewers attention and keep them involved.
What were the technical constraints and difficulties I  encountered? I didn't have much trouble with this poster as I wanted it to be simple, the most difficult task was putting the title on the background and removing the dark background it had been on.
How could I have improved the process or outcome? If I had more time I would have changed my background image and made it more professional looking. I could have adapted it more in photoshop and given it a better looking background than pavement.
Sewing Belfast

Sewing Belfast

coursework for college


Creative Fields