In 2013, Esporão felt they needed to redesign the label of one of its most iconic wine.
With more than 20 years inhabiting portuguese tables, Monte Velho is a wine that is very dear and cherished by portuguese wine consumers.
Like every big product, changing how it looks is a challenge and a very delicate mission. This time we tried to bring its classic and distint place to life, through a concerned care for type along with a very precise choose of papers and printing techniques.

Studio: White Studio
Client: Esporão
Year: 2013
Art Direction: Eduardo Aires
Design: Raquel Rei
Portoflio photography: Álvaro Martino
Thank you!
Monte Velho

Monte Velho

In 2013, Esporão felt they needed to redesign the label of one of its most iconic wine. With more than 20 years inhabiting portuguese tables, Mon Read More
