Victor Antonelli's profileAsher Pilbrow's profile

The Huffington Post - America's Most Admired Lawbreaker

Interactive Timeline
Each new chapter was paired with a full page parallax illustration to introduce the thematic elements of the content to come. Our aim was to evoke a mood without casting judgement. Subtle texture and a deliberately simplified colour palette added gravitas to these labour intensive and deceptively simple interactive designs.
The Cast
With a rotating cast of over thirty to keep track of, we developed a dynamic character key which refreshed readers on the who’s who of the unfolding saga. Like the timeline feature, our character key sat alongside the main article and was responsive to the progress of the reader, bringing characters into focus for their time in the limelight.
Data Viz
When you’re telling a story of multinational criminality, there’s a lot of money – and a lot of data – that threatens to cloud the truth. Working closely with Highline editors, we produced a variety of impactful data visualisations, including interactive tools, which helped readers understand the facts and determine the truth of the matter for themselves.
Parallax Cover Illustration
Each new chapter was paired with a full page parallax illustration to introduce the thematic elements of the content to come. Our aim was to evoke a mood without casting judgement. Subtle texture and a deliberately simplified colour palette added gravitas these labour intensive and deceptively simple interactive designs.
It is the job of the editorial illustrator to illuminate, clarify and lend weight to the story being told. In-house illustrators Pablo Espinosa and Victor Antonelli produced more than 62 moving (often in both senses of the word) illustrations for America’s Most Admired Lawbreaker that amplified the story and heightened the emotional impact.

Thanks for watching.
For the full story visit America's Most Admired Law Breaker


Art, Design and Development – Gladeye
Gladeye is a New Zealand-based digital design agency.

Director: Tarver Graham
Illustrators: Pablo Espinosa, Victor Antonelli
Designer: Asher Pilbrow
Developers: Ken Vu, James Hopkins, William Hamlin, Mitch Ryan
Production Coordinator: Aruna Narandran
Producer: Conrad Blight 

The Huffington Post - America's Most Admired Lawbreaker

The Huffington Post - America's Most Admired Lawbreaker

In August 2015, Huffington Post’s veteran journalist and New York Times bestseller Steve Brill had a big story on his hands. Spanning 55,000 wo Read More
