Christine Newton's profile

BA Senior Project - DSGN 197 SJSU

Fall 2015

Project 1

Building awareness

visual imaging
create a visualization of another student in your class. collect information (see questions below) about him/her in order to interpret and transform the research into a compelling visual to communicate the unique personality and character of that student. turn the collected research into information design (content map).

emphasis will be placed upon original concept development and the exploration of diverse processes, techniques and methods. you will be expected to experiment and explore, thereby expanding on your visualizing skills. 

questions to be answered (think in very broad terms)
1. What is your creative source? What makes you feel creative?
2. What are you desiging?
3. How are you evolving our world?
4. What is your unique gift/offering?
5. Who deeply inspires you and why?
6. What causes are important to you? What are you committed to? 8. What makes you feel connected with the world?
9. What motivates you?
10. What are you passionate about?
11. What is your relationship to nature?
12. What does creativity mean to you?

visual image: 10”x 10”, 4cp, high quality print mounted on bristol board PLUS
content map: 11”x 17” high quality b/w print, unmounted 
Project 2 
Discovering the relationship between design and human experience
problem statement
creative work reaches deep into our intuitive and unconscious minds, into our hearts and feelings. the sea change design process helped to de ne your calling.
now you will examine the ways in which this abstract idea can be interpreted and represented in visual form, offering clarity, embedded meaning and understanding to the viewer.
stay away from literal translation and use metaphors and story telling for your design.
emphasis will be placed upon original concept development and the exploration of diverse processes, techniques and methods. you will be expected to experiment and explore, thereby expanding on your visualizing skills.
visualize highly abstract ideas that source from your growing awareness of the deeper aspects of yourself, by exploring design elements, typography and diverse processes.
design a poster calendar for the year 2016
visualize your calling and its embedded meaning, in your own personal voice by exploring diverse processes and techniques:
eg drawing, photography, xerography, abstraction, typography, collage, textures, sculpture, different types of materials: paper, fabric, vellum, cardboard, metal, wood, foil...
22”x 28” MINIMUM nal size
main level of information: your calling (you can add your embedded meaning as secondary level info) secondary level of information: 2016 , all 12 months of the year (keep it to less than 1/4 of the format) 
Calling Intention
"How can I inspire inquiry to expand humanity physically, socially, and emotionally?"
Project 3
Leveraging your callings into organizational intentions Problem statement
Entrepreneurship and branding—PURPOSE, IDENTITY, WEB APPEARANCE & ARTIFACT
you will be organized into 5 groups of 5 students with similar callings.
design an intention and purpose for a meaningful, ctitious non-pro t organization that engages in the eld of water:
water & climate change / sustainability water & social justice / gender equality water & spirituality / culture
water & art
water & peace
study the resources on the second page before designing your groups calling.
your group will design • name
• visual identity
• online appearance
• one artifact of your organization, eg: poster campaign, sculpture, product, animation, exhibit, etc • ripple story
wire bound 11x17 booklet with the following pages:
1.) cover page
2.) page 1: creative brief
3.) page 2: brandmark
4.) page 3: area of isolation
5.) page 4: homepage plus additional webpages 6.) page 5: artifact
7.) page 6: ripple story
8.) back cover
page 2 (brandmark) through page 6 (ripple story) mounted on a 15x20 black presentation board for gallery (5 boards total) 
Project 4
Process Notebook

The journal must be in book format. You can wire bind it or wire bind it with french binding.
InDesign Template provided.
process notebook (developed over the course of the semester to include)
. cover design
required copy:
your full name, Fall 2015, BA Senior Project Process Notebook
. Table of contents
. Project 1 | Building awareness:
. project outline (copy online)
. all notes
. thumbnails, concepts, sketches
. 1 or 2 page overview of final design
. written analysis of project (what worked well, what did not work so well, what did you learn))
. Project 2 | Discovering the relationship between design and human experience: . project outline (copy online)
. all notes
. thumbnails, concepts, sketches
. 1 or 2 page overview of final design of all pages of calendar
. written analysis of project (what worked well, what did not work so well, what did you learn))
. Project 3 | Leveraging life intentions into organizational intentions: . project outline (copy online)
. all notes
. thumbnails, concepts, sketches
. 1 or 2 page overview of all final webpages plus logo (thumbnail prints)
. written analysis of project (what worked well, what did not work so well, what did you learn)
. your resume
. your business card

. list of fellow students with their callings and email contact info (provided by me) 
BA Senior Project - DSGN 197 SJSU

BA Senior Project - DSGN 197 SJSU

Projects and assignments throughout the semester.
